Innovative selection (maternal qualities)
To observe, to register, to analyse, to select are daily tasks of our breeders, techniciens and geneticists.
Maternal qualities are more complexed to select because :
- these are more qualitative (than quantitative)
- repeatability from one farrowing to another is not so high
- environmental conditions and breeders have big influence on these criteria
To make it is the most objective possible, Nucléus defined some accurate criteria :
- individual weighing at birth
- individual weighing at weaning - weighing at the end of post weaning period
- standard deviation of individual weigh within a litter ( see Piglets vigor / piglet quality)
internal scoring table
- sow autonomy
- teats quality
- no use of hormon
These criteria, combined to genomic evaluation, permit us to identify and select sows with amazing potential and consequently to select boars coming from these best sows.