Sérénis by Nucléus

Guaranteed results

We deeply focus on leg quality, rusticity and maternal qualities.


  1. Picto_poids_produits
  2. 1.4 kg piglets
  3. birth WEIGHT
  1. Picto_porcelet_noir
  2. 16
  3. functional teats


  1. Picto_famille
  2. 3230
  3. live weight produced / sow / year
  1. Picto_poids_produits
  2. 2.29 FCR
  3. 18 - 105 kg on production farms


  • 2600 GGP sows in LW and LR. 12 000 GP sows
  • Genomic selection in LW and LR
  • Innovation in genomic evaluation
  • Work on maternal qualities
  LW By Nucléus LR By Nucléus
Average parity 3,8 4,1
Born alive 17,5 15,4
Weaned 14,8 13,5



Breeding farm with air fi ltration systems. Each farm is regularly controlled for major diseases in order to deliver the healthiest animals : free of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Atrophicans Rhinitis, PRRS.



The gilt Serenis has been specifically developed to give you the guarantee of optimal performances in the management of your farm. Maternal qualities, numerical productivity and the temper of this hybrid female issued from Large-white and Landrace breeds will allow you to reach your objectives .

The gilt Serenis by Nucléus: the intrinsic qualities of Large White and Landrace

The Serenis gilt was developed by Nucleus through genomic selection, with Large White and Landrace. Our main aim was to reinforce maternal qualities of the gilt. The quality of the plumbs and hooves of the gilt allow a long reproductive career and a high numerical productivity on the career. The line is easy to manage and offer safe performance through selection work taking into account several criteria.

With regards of breeding, ensuring the immune stability of your sow herd is essential. On this regard gilts Serenis by Nucléus provide you the best guarantee.These sows wean heavy, more vigorous piglets with a uniform weight and strong immunity. This is the ideal way to minimize the risk of illness!The renewal rate of your farm is stable, whatever the conditions characterising your farm.


Some results of the gilt Serenis 

With the Serenis by Nucléus, it’s 27,2 pigs produced/sow/year and 3230 kg alive produced per year. The quality of piglets at weaning is excellent. And then, its Golbal FCR is of 2.55.


The opinion of a farmer

We already wean 34.8 piglets / productive sow/year. Quality of piglets at weaning is our leitmotiv and one reality to produce 3220 kg / present sow / year.

B. Rouxel - SCEA Rouxel - Production farm